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Basic Breathing Meditation

Basic Breathing Meditation

Meditation is a simple exercise, but it’s always best to start simply when you try something new. This article reduces meditation to the most basic elements.


Meditation will make you more productive. It may seem strange that you will be more productive by sitting still and doing nothing for a while, but this is true.


Meditation is a very simple practice that makes people extremely difficult, which may seem very difficult for a beginner in the practice of meditation. This article is about breathing meditation, in which you need to focus on breathing and breathing.


The basic idea of meditation is simple. When your mind starts to drift away from your breath and you get lost in your mind, you turn your attention back to your breath, saying it over and over again until your meditation timer comes on. The thing is, every time you get your attention,By returning to your breathing, you are working to keep your mind clear, and by practicing, you will be able to keep your mind clear for longer. Over time, october addition to being more productive in the long run, your focus, concentration, and amount of attention will also increase.


This is the basic idea of meditation.


to start

To get started, you need two things, but you already need them.


You don’t need to do a lot of meditation, but two things need to happen:

Something you can sit on.  There is such a thing as standing meditation and walking meditation, but sitting meditation is the most common and best place to start.

Timer.  Since meditation is everything that is needed to train your “attention november”, controlling the clock will somehow nullify the purpose of meditation, since this will constantly distract your attention from your breathing.



There are three options that you can sit on during meditation.



Chairs are great for those times when you are just starting to meditate or you are uncomfortable sitting on a pillow for meditation. If you are new to meditation, I recommend using a chair for the first few times instead of going out and buying a pillow for meditation. When you start meditating and feel more comfortable, I suggest you get a pillow for meditation; using a chair first will help you make your practice easier.


Meditation pillow

The meditation pillow called Zafu is the most popular thing that people sit on during meditation. The beauty of the meditation pillow is that the easiest way to sit straight when you are sittingon it is to sit on it, which increases your alertness and the quality of your meditation (and therefore how efficiently you are sitting). With the help of a chair or bench for meditation, you may tend to faint and lose concentration.


Meditation,Beach chair

If you are tall or find the meditation pillow too uncomfortable, it is worth trying a sunbed for meditation. Meditation benches make meditation much more comfortable by absorbing most of the weight that you would otherwise carry on your feet. To find a comfortable meditation pose, you can sit back or sit straight, and the softness will relieve the pressure on your body. A largepart of our range of chaise lounges is equipped with a pillow to make you even more comfortable.


The beauty of meditation lounge chairs is that you can also use them as a regular piece of furniture, as part of your meditation or yoga, or as a colorful piece of furniture in your relaxation area.




The second thing you need is a timer.


I recommend using only your smartphone, but be sure to switch to airplane mode before starting,медитируй. Almost every phone has a built-in timer, and if you have a smartphone, you can.


What had I better do?

When I first started meditation, I didn’t know what to do after sitting down. You just need to worry about two things: how to sit down and what to think about.


Your eyes may be closed or open.  If you find, as many people do, that you can focus on your breathing better with your eyes closed, it’s probably best to keep them closed. If you are tired when closing your eyes or you are sleeping by yourself, try opening them slightly and focusing your eyes slightly on the space on the floor in front of you.

Don’t worry about your hands. Some people like to draw circles with their thumbs and other fingers, but I think that’s not really important. I usually let my hands rest, my palm.

,On my feet, where they feel most comfortable.
Cross your legs as you like.  I usually cross my legs in front of me and I think this works well for most people.

If you want to november your legs like a pretzel, you can, but if you use meditation to strengthen your attention muscles, then perhaps this is the easiest way to stick to a simplecross-legged posture.
Even if your eyes are closed, look down a little. This opens the chest.

Nevertheless, nevertheless, find a comfortable place that keeps you upright and at the same time opens your chest.
The biggest thing I can say about sitting is to find a posture and posture that are comfortable at the same time and keep you relatively straight.

The most comfortable posture for meditation will give you so little wakefulness that you will fall asleep, and the least comfortable posture will keep you awake,,but at the expense of your convenience.

The attention you give to various things around you, just like how you hold a torch, you move it around all day and direct it to different things, usually without thinking too much about what you are doing. By moving it, you focus on everything that you pay attention to in your life, from a smartphone to the conversation that you drive, to your family, to cooking.

And often you point at them more than one thing at a time.


Meditation takes the torch that is your attention and directs it directly to your breath.

It’s all well and good, but what exactly are you doing?
Make yourself comfortable. Turn on the timer on your phone and take a comfortable position.

Turn the light down a little or turn it off completely to help you focus,aloft.

Start your timer.
Focus your attention and focus on your breathing.  This is the essence of meditation, and this is what makes meditation difficult and valuable at the same time. At this stage, close your mouth and fully focus on your breathing while moving in and out of your nose. You can focus on every part of the breath you want to be – you can focus on how it feels like the air enters your nose and the feeling of the air when your lungs swell and deflate, the feeling of your nose when you exhale, the sound you make when you exhale.

Do not strain your breath – just breathe in naturally and watch your breathing without thinking too much.
Don’t think.  This is the most difficult part.

Do not analyze your breath; just focus your attention and focus on your breath without thinking about it and analyzing it.
Return your attention to yours,be careful if it goes astray.  And so it will be. As your mind wanders, slowly bring your attention back to the breath when you realize that your mind has gone astray. You may not initially know that your mind is starting to think again, but when you do, gently return your attention. Do not be strict with yourself at this stage.

Just return your attention gently.
Again, bring your mind back when it’s wrong.  When your mind starts to think, gently return your attention only to your breath. When your mind starts to think about how boring meditation is, slowly bring your attention back to breathing. When your mind is restless, bring your attention back inside.

Keep doing this until your meditation timer arrives.
10 minutes of meditation a day is infinitely better than 70 minutes of meditation once a week.

Try to meditate regularly, even if this means that you only need to sit down a few times. ,your minutes.
Start small.  I can almost guarantee that if you try to meditate for 30 minutes from the beginning, you will be disappointed and discouraged.

I suggest you start with five minutes and increase this time only if it is convenient for you. Even if you sit down for five minutes and notice that your mind is always wandering,you will still get incredible benefits from meditation.

Choose a soft alarm.  If your timer is loud and shocking, waiting for the alarm distracts you during meditation.

Meditate in a Quiet Place.  Having less distractions around you will of course allow you to focus better and make your meditation much more productive.

This is the easiest way to lose your attention when you are out of breath.  Your breathing is very pronounced and it is easy to focus on it, and most people’s thoughts wander when breathing.
Take care of yourself while your thoughts wander.

It’s easy to let yourself down when your mind is wandering, but don’t do it. ,You will be much more productive if you return your attention gently.
If you can’t concentrate, try to count


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